List of side events organized by members of the CBD Alliances [to be completed].
Side events are organized
- at the COP venue (Blue zone)
- in the Green zone in Cali itself
Below is a list of side events, both in the Blue and Green Zone. Please contact us if your event is missing here.

Monday, 21 October
Business, Biodiversity and Finance: Peace or Conflict with Nature?
CBD Alliance - Monday, 21 October, 13:20 - Blue Zone: Chiribiquete, Asia and the Pacific room
In this side event, we will evaluate the different proposals made by businesses and other actors with vested interests to contribute to Peace with Nature.
Do climate and biodiversity offsets and credits, bioenergy, synthetic biology, and gene drives contribute to peace between humans, and between humanity and nature? Or will they lead to more conflict?
How can the CBD protect IPs/LCs, women, youth, and small farmers and fishers who generate, restore and protect biodiversity and feed millions without destructive impacts on biodiversity? And how should finance be transformed so that it contributes to true peace with Nature?
Biodiversity Offsets and Credits: examining risks and challenges
Tuesday, 22 October
Gender-responsive and Rights-based Approach to Halt Biodiversity Loss: Peoples’ Solutions to Save the Planet
Side event - Tuesday, 22 October - Global Forest Coalition
Wednesday, 23 October
Women’s Land, Coastal and Water Rights: From Global Commitments to Local Actions
CBD Women Caucus | ILC | ICCA Consortium | and others - Wednesday, 23 October, 11:40 - Blue Zone: Cocuy, Marie Khan Women's Caucus meeting room
Breaking Ground on Youth Indicators for Biodiversity
GYBN | UNESCO - Wednesday, 23 October, 15:00 - Blue Zone: Mavecure, Business and Industry Organizations room
Climate geoengineering and biodiversity - why the CBD needs to affirm precaution
ETC Group | HBF | TWN | IEN | CIEL | CoA - Wednesday, 23 October, 16:30 - Blue Zone: Cano Cristales, CEE room
Current guidance on risk assessment with focus on gene drive organisms is unfit for purpose
Thursday, 24 October
Look Before We Leap: Why the CBD Needs Horizon Scanning, Monitoring and Assessment
EcoNexus | ETC Group | CBD Women Caucus - Thursday, 24 October, 15:00 - Blue Zone: Sanquianga, GRULAC
Biodiversity and Climate Change: when policies collide
FOE | ECONEXUS - Thursday, 24 October, 15:00 - Blue Zone: Paramos, NGO room
Incentives for Target 22: Spotlighting Investor-ready Youth-led Solutions Towards Effective Implementation of the Biodiversity Plan in Africa
Friday, 25 October
Monday, 28 October
Regulating Finance - A precondition to implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework
Monday, 28 October, 7:30-9:00 - Forests & Finance Coalition - Green zone, Banco de Bogotá, Main Auditorium
Why development banks must stop financing factory farming
Green zone - Monday, 28 October - Stop Financing Farming Coalition, Global Forest Coalition
Tuesday, 29 October
Wednesday, 30 October
Thursday, 31 October
date and time to be confirmed
Can KM-GBF stop Biodiversity Loss? The Challenges and Opportunities
Blue zone event - tbc - Global Forest Coalition
Achieving the KM-GBF Targets Through Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF)Youth Participation
Implementation of the SSF Guidelines and a Human Rights-Based Approach towards Coastal and Marine Conservation
tbc - Side event - tbc - CoopeSoliDar, ICSF and the SSF movements
GE trees
Press conference - Time and date: tbc - Global Justice Ecology Project