(Eng / Esp / Jp)
Statements of Civil Society delivered during the second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on post-2020
- Joint civil society opening statement
- Women's caucus openings statement
All ECOs produced during the Second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on post-2020
ECO 61, Issue 1:
The Do's and Donts document presents the key points that civil society advocates for on the road towards the adoption of a new global biodiversity framework.
Thematic Consultation on Area-based conservation measures for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework tool place in Montreal, Canada from December 1 to 3, 2019. The workshop was an expert meeting aimed at providing specific inputs for the
Mr. Chair,
ECO, Issue 5
- A rights-based approach for the post-2020 GBF
- CBD Stand Your Ground!
- Youth recommendations for post-2020
ECO, Issue 4
The report presents the results of the first meeting of the OEWG on post-2020. It also includes a summary of discussions around specific issues that were addressed by civil society during our preparatory meeting.
All ECOs published during the first meeting of the OE Working Group on post 2020 - August 27 - 30, 2019
ECO 59, Issue 1
Statements delivered by the CBD Alliance members during the first meeting of the OEWG on post 2020 - Nairobi, Kenya - August, 2019
Opening Statement CBDA
Statement on Agenda Item 4, Cluster 1